USB Apple Extended Keyboard II January 21, 2021
Minecraft server connected Raspberry Pi clock June 21, 2017 December 15, 2016
Oh yeah, I’m on a podcast January 13, 2016
iOS Stocks and currency exchange March 16, 2014
Trick markdown preview February 15, 2014
Dropbox user content February 15, 2014
1Writer February 15, 2014
remote adventures February 10, 2014
well that was fast February 6, 2014
stupid JBOD February 6, 2014
going down the markdown hole February 4, 2014
Prompt, vim and tmux issues and how to fix them January 29, 2014
3D printed Apple wireless keyboard clips January 12, 2014
Belkin AirCast January 10, 2014
markdown time January 1, 2014
T.H.E. Wallet December 16, 2013
Amazing robotic projection mapping with beautiful animation. Must See. September 24, 2013
Who remembers the last time I did this? May 19, 2013
Surprised by a movie for the first time in a while May 16, 2013
Thank you bitly! April 25, 2013
Cheerio chaps! April 23, 2013
Pad & Quill Little Pocket Book for iPhone 5 February 26, 2013
xkcd: Perl Problems February 8, 2013
Achievement Unlocked, Poop in the Tub January 1, 2013
Fresh off the truck! December 29, 2012
My excellent view during the Leonard Cohen show December 7, 2012
new iOS Remote app and iTunes 11 November 29, 2012
Future leaders having fun October 19, 2012
@mcd_canada I’m sick and tired of getting sausage and egg mcmuffins when I order sausage mcmuffins September 15, 2012
Poor RBC September 13, 2012
Strandherd-Armstrong bridge looking good September 9, 2012
I used to work on cruise ships and made these timelapse videos in my spare time. September 2, 2012
Try this, it’s fun! Let Wolfram Alpha crunch your Facebook profile. August 31, 2012
@BoingBoing: Fleetwood Mac: Rhiannon live, 1976 I wish I had a time machine so I could see them live back then August 31, 2012
Great recommendation by Bruno, thanks! August 28, 2012
Apple’s bitter sweet verdict August 27, 2012
When autocorrect gails August 25, 2012
@CBCOttawa: Neil Armstrong, first man to walk on moon, dies August 25, 2012
RT @appleinsider: Apple’s 7.85-inch iPad will in fact be named ‘iPad mini’ - report August 25, 2012
iPad mini August 25, 2012
I figured 30% of images on Instagram are cats, what’s ONE more. August 25, 2012
From Portal 2 August 25, 2012
Drinking one of these for Neil August 25, 2012
Fallon August 23, 2012
YouTube nyan cat August 22, 2012
Petunia - Mercy, at the Ironwood 2012-03-19 by NewLostWorld August 22, 2012
Old plant brought back to life August 22, 2012
Game of … wtf was that?! August 22, 2012
So bright, so vivid. August 18, 2012
OH MY DAYUM - NOW ON iTUNES !!! by schmoyoho August 18, 2012
IFTTT August 16, 2012
IFTTT wake up August 16, 2012
The future is almost now July 23, 2012
Roaming part 2 July 23, 2012
Rogers and roaming July 21, 2012
Boston trip July 20, 2012
Bunnies everywhere July 2, 2012
Happy Canada Day July 1, 2012
sausage, no egg March 19, 2012
Blogger dynamic templates February 28, 2012
Facebook email policy change November 20, 2011
Barrhaven Santa Parade November 20, 2011
Our son October 28, 2011
Mephitis mephitis forensic mammalogy September 29, 2011
post rss to Twitter with a custom URL shortener September 23, 2011
New blogger stuff September 8, 2011
Paint test strips! April 7, 2011
I play this a lot April 7, 2011
MT 4 April 26, 2008
farewell to thee December 5, 2007
testing MarsEdit October 6, 2007
trip to boston April 18, 2007
camera phone!! March 8, 2007
moved February 20, 2007
A post?! September 8, 2006
View from our room May 6, 2006
My thumb and the Empire State Building May 6, 2006
ME in front of the Recruiting Station in Times Sqaure May 6, 2006
Around Times Square May 6, 2006
The Dance Floor February 26, 2006
MJ’s February 26, 2006
The Timmy’s on Princess February 25, 2006
The arch at RMC February 25, 2006
Some chick wearing pretty boy’s hat February 25, 2006
Matt’s 40s February 25, 2006
Ice near the causway February 25, 2006
and another November 27, 2005
holy crap! a new entry November 20, 2005
raaaaaanch August 27, 2005
strange city, strangers were friends July 19, 2005
am I gonna be someone who has to take the rest of my life to settle down June 18, 2005
lets go make a picture on the island of Stromboli June 5, 2005
dance into the fire May 14, 2005
remember the guestbook? May 1, 2005
MT 3.16, mysql and all that April 30, 2005
all caught up April 23, 2005
scratch that .. Kingston Ontario April 1, 2005
Borden Ontario March 26, 2005
4 days in the field left March 13, 2005
almost there February 24, 2005
hello from Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu February 5, 2005
King of DTP January 10, 2005
T - 1 week January 9, 2005
28 days left December 18, 2004
woo, Wally’s will stay open December 13, 2004
bye bye Wally’s December 3, 2004
a crowd of people stood and stared November 15, 2004
verdoyant November 7, 2004
boo! October 24, 2004
I want to live, I want to give, I’ve been a miner for a heart of gold October 17, 2004
Yoshimi, they don’t believe me October 9, 2004
ouff, about time eh? October 3, 2004
Will You Ever Win August 26, 2004
Home sweet Acadian Home August 15, 2004
07/28 9:46 CDT July 28, 2004
07/14 14:20 CDT July 14, 2004
07/03 1:06 EDT July 2, 2004
07/01 15:11 EDT July 2, 2004
go west, this is what we’re gonna do June 30, 2004
damn push ups June 23, 2004
step 2 June 18, 2004
joining the CF update June 8, 2004
found it! May 31, 2004
all I got to do is act natuarlly May 27, 2004
pick up the pieces and go home May 25, 2004
6 (5) shifts left May 18, 2004
ah mon djeu May 12, 2004
ploot May 9, 2004
picker revival May 7, 2004
It’s not Tim’s May 6, 2004
Wonder Woman May 1, 2004
may I help you? May 1, 2004
whoootshiii April 30, 2004
Wake-y wake-y, eggs and bac-y April 30, 2004
plastic organization devices April 30, 2004
Ich lieb dich nichtdu liebst mich nicht April 30, 2004
geocaches April 30, 2004
Doc’s today April 30, 2004
damn google April 30, 2004
comic book villan April 30, 2004
bookmarks April 30, 2004
The bell April 30, 2004
ah shit April 30, 2004
yes he is April 29, 2004
twenty effen four April 29, 2004
Think I can? April 29, 2004
they should have sent a poet April 29, 2004
recycled yes, but from what? April 29, 2004
the past April 29, 2004
The origin or greener April 29, 2004
multi porpoise April 29, 2004
look back 5 I was barely alive April 29, 2004
look back 4 IN SPACE! April 29, 2004
look back 3: whip it good April 29, 2004
look back 2, the revenge of the look back April 29, 2004
look back 1 April 29, 2004
how I’d like a coffee right now April 29, 2004
good host 15g April 29, 2004
EverLED April 29, 2004
entry list fifty three April 29, 2004
damn commie bastards April 29, 2004
53 ouch April 29, 2004
da da da April 27, 2004
screw you guys, I’m going home April 23, 2004
389793 April 20, 2004
elbow! April 18, 2004
rondomininini einini poof April 16, 2004
meh April 16, 2004
extended vacation April 14, 2004
High 10C April 12, 2004
incident April 11, 2004
Scholastic April 11, 2004
yawn April 10, 2004
ohhh, pretty April 8, 2004
Mahdn April 8, 2004
Gonan the Superfluous April 8, 2004
Two scoops of raisins in Kellogg’s Raisin Bran April 7, 2004
mellifluously April 7, 2004
blog stalker April 7, 2004
What’s it gonna be Merv? April 6, 2004
calis de tarbanak d’osti de fucking de god damn de son of a bitch April 6, 2004
hazy shade of .. spring April 5, 2004
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck April 5, 2004
there, here, and everywhere April 4, 2004
wh04! I am such a geek April 3, 2004
don’t forget to bring a towel April 3, 2004
02:00 - 03:00 April 3, 2004
wow, what a terrific audience April 2, 2004
torrents kick ass April 2, 2004
rotflmao April 2, 2004
ohhh .. haunting April 2, 2004
I wonder, wonder why the wonder falls April 2, 2004
10-4 there teddy bear March 31, 2004
y fait beau! March 30, 2004
John Ashcroft March 28, 2004
once I ran to you, now I run from you March 25, 2004
Card Night in Dieppe March 25, 2004
Mon-Fri 08:30-17:00 March 24, 2004
taste the rainbow March 21, 2004
4th day in a row March 18, 2004
vanilla brass March 17, 2004
zero pour le matin que chu entrain de vivre March 16, 2004
what a weekend March 15, 2004
mmmmm, boooooot March 11, 2004
eat fresh. March 8, 2004
there’s no escape, I can’t wait March 7, 2004
j’ai faim March 6, 2004
zeuce chryce March 5, 2004
straight up now tell me March 3, 2004
ahhhhhh, much better March 3, 2004
you’re toxic, I’m slipping under February 28, 2004
baby can’t you see I’m calling? February 27, 2004
Emo Phillips February 16, 2004
sur la grande cote elle est montee February 12, 2004
I have been inspired February 12, 2004
Nothing Yet February 9, 2004
Pal if I were a salad, I know I’d be splashing my dressing February 4, 2004
digging the Dancing Queen January 14, 2004
Wonderful World of Disney January 4, 2004
this is entitled Monique December 20, 2003
Sweet Surrender December 12, 2003
center of the universe November 29, 2003
It’s finally happened, happened November 16, 2003
A title, you will have problems finding, yeeesss November 8, 2003
ohhh.. shadows October 30, 2003
I don’ want to get off on a rant here, but…. October 6, 2003
Project: FrankenBook September 25, 2003
Do some thing you normally do on a Saturday night September 12, 2003
fhqwhgads August 29, 2003
mmmmm, clodhoppers August 28, 2003
I have a sock on my head? August 26, 2003
wow, a post! August 3, 2003
Wilfred still rules! July 21, 2003
Star Academie July 10, 2003
Happy Day After Canada Day July 2, 2003
I shouldn’t be creating a new entry June 30, 2003
jerk jerky June 14, 2003
Hi Monique June 3, 2003
LIVE: From the laundry room May 31, 2003
ooooooowa oooooooowa, dude dude May 28, 2003
dum du-dum dum dum dummmm dummmmm May 27, 2003
Osiris May 26, 2003
chante Marie-Ma May 24, 2003
happy 300th entry May 23, 2003
backup, we need backup May 23, 2003
4 days May 10, 2003
damn db files May 7, 2003
23 days April 21, 2003
31 days April 14, 2003
33 days April 11, 2003
Wilfred rules! April 6, 2003
happy birthday Doogus April 1, 2003
aimer, souffrir, pardonner, oublier March 27, 2003
trying not to watch CNN March 24, 2003
madame canaille Comeaux March 24, 2003
in naute March 13, 2003
vacation! March 9, 2003
sans chemise, sans pantalons-lon-lon-lon March 7, 2003
Mamma Mia March 5, 2003
iBook is pooched March 4, 2003
no lights February 25, 2003
artificial noise makers February 23, 2003
bin la steur February 22, 2003
popularity of blogs February 20, 2003
hi February 20, 2003
rubik’s cubing February 15, 2003
maritime brewed lager February 12, 2003
styro soup February 9, 2003
lasagna.. mmmm February 9, 2003
sour cream & onion chips February 5, 2003
finally!!! February 5, 2003
moley moley moley moley!!! January 30, 2003
testing 1, 2, 3…. January 29, 2003
mmm party mix January 28, 2003
Matrix Reloaded January 27, 2003
success! January 24, 2003
happy face ball January 21, 2003
domo arigato Mr. Roboto January 21, 2003
top 10 January 19, 2003
freaky day off January 19, 2003
damn kids January 18, 2003
skiing and top speeds January 14, 2003
Contra January 14, 2003
V8 rocks! January 13, 2003
Miss Lynie’s Guest Entry January 12, 2003
this one has no title January 10, 2003
it tastes like burning January 8, 2003
mouse count part deux January 7, 2003
mouse count January 5, 2003
damn snow January 5, 2003
crap January 4, 2003
camera specs.. January 4, 2003
Lots planned January 2, 2003
Happy New Year! January 1, 2003
yip yip December 27, 2002
w00t w00t December 27, 2002
Future shop, here I come December 25, 2002
I’m on a roll December 21, 2002
yes!!! December 20, 2002
this is going well December 20, 2002
I have to start adding titles December 19, 2002
I caved and bought Blogger December 16, 2002
All done, the content is December 16, 2002
Something I forgot to mention. December 10, 2002
Looks like it’s time for December 10, 2002
More modifications to the site, November 18, 2002
Just when I thought November 17, 2002
ow November 17, 2002
Kay, I wasn’t planning on November 17, 2002
Yup, that’ll do for now.. November 16, 2002
Woohoo! First snow storm.. I November 16, 2002
Aiight.. I’m updating. Lots to November 9, 2002
Since I haven’t updated in November 3, 2002
I went from 384MB of October 22, 2002
What a boring day, I October 20, 2002
Done watching Momento backwards.. loved October 20, 2002
Here we are again October 18, 2002
What a great ride back October 16, 2002
Last night (because it’s morning October 15, 2002
This is old: Where Did October 14, 2002
I just finished Watching Memento, October 14, 2002
I wonder if it’d be October 13, 2002
I’m done reading my old October 13, 2002
Another day, another post. Since October 12, 2002
You’ll never guess what just October 11, 2002
To purdure my current day’s October 11, 2002
Listening to Twilight by Vanessa October 11, 2002
Holy shit, I finally saw October 11, 2002
fucking blah October 11, 2002
Tonight was a night filled October 10, 2002
What fun! Tonight, (last night), October 9, 2002
I asked a while back October 9, 2002
Woohoo!! Nous nous aimions bien October 8, 2002
The shareef don’t like it.. October 8, 2002
omg, I’m watching Blow Dry, October 8, 2002
Hey look, dewe goes a October 8, 2002
I wish a certain individual October 5, 2002
Finally I decided I’d post September 12, 2002
yay, I have a counter August 27, 2002
Wow, I was looking thru August 21, 2002
I’m going to attempt something August 18, 2002
here you go: (removed, was August 18, 2002
I have to say Hi August 4, 2002
There.. done the top menu July 22, 2002
A few updates I’m working July 21, 2002
It works!!!! June 20, 2002
The counter is stuck at June 20, 2002
Well, a new month and June 4, 2002
Flowbee!!! June 4, 2002
Woohoo, I got a nifty May 26, 2002
Time is going by really May 26, 2002
A new counter I have. May 26, 2002
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee It’ll make sense later May 9, 2002
It’s raining, hardcore. And there May 7, 2002
Number 9 Number 9 Number May 6, 2002
That’s what I’m going to April 28, 2002
ah.. well, why don’t we April 15, 2002
Here is something better than April 9, 2002
I’m at work, blogger is April 8, 2002
I just applied for a April 7, 2002
Okay, so this is a April 5, 2002
This is another update in March 31, 2002
So I’m done updating 00 March 30, 2002
Ma Brain is changing, in March 30, 2002
So I bought a new February 15, 2002
I just finished a major December 27, 2001
December already. Time flies. I December 6, 2001
I’m at work right now, November 26, 2001
Well, chepas la, but Mac October 1, 2001
Ah ha, an update! What September 3, 2001
Another entry. I’m at work. July 8, 2001
Another home for Ma Brain, July 2, 2001
Al got his PowerBook G4, May 20, 2001
Oh boy! More to come May 11, 2001
I’m pretending I’m typing fast April 22, 2001
In college, not doing anything April 18, 2001
If you look back at April 15, 2001
I just updated my main April 15, 2001
I’m here a Edinburgh drive. April 15, 2001
Damn NBCi.. it’s on NBNet April 2, 2001
I’ve found a new home April 1, 2001
Yo, sup? I’m back. A March 26, 2001
HO HO HO.. I’m trying December 24, 2000
I regret to inform my November 19, 2000
Hey, I’m still alive. I November 8, 2000
Me October 1, 2000
Wow, this is a treat, September 30, 2000
My first update from work, September 30, 2000
This is the view off September 18, 2000
Mr. Persaud is getting ready September 11, 2000
I started college. I installed September 7, 2000
This is worth an entry. July 27, 2000
Happy Canada day! I got July 1, 2000
I just noticed something.. I’m June 27, 2000
Here’s a milestone, it’s not June 27, 2000
I woke up approximatly 10 June 21, 2000
Wednesday was my last day June 16, 2000
I may as well update. June 13, 2000
Did you know the Zin June 11, 2000
I predicted the next song June 9, 2000
I bought one of these. June 7, 2000
Disc One It’s where we’ve June 5, 2000
I fixed a web page June 3, 2000
I’ve got 3 songs by June 2, 2000
If we are alone, seems June 1, 2000
I just saw the video May 30, 2000
I just finished watching American May 28, 2000
I bought a Rubik’s cube May 28, 2000
Oof. I had way to May 27, 2000
my palm died for May 26, 2000
C’etait un p’tit ver-de-terre May 23, 2000
My mom woke me up May 22, 2000
This is so I don’t May 20, 2000
Hey Bulldog I saw a May 19, 2000
I’m in a good mood May 18, 2000
do you know what today May 18, 2000
I replied to a personal May 16, 2000
I love slushies. Frozen Coke. May 16, 2000
The Future May 16, 2000
i’m six minutes early, May 15, 2000
Meta Meta Meta May 15, 2000
lol!!! Micheal Jordon on Stuart May 14, 2000
Candace, this is for you. May 14, 2000
I`m not home. nor did May 13, 2000
My friend Al is having May 12, 2000
I have come to a May 12, 2000
this is becoming a May 11, 2000
Lab, yup, that’s where I May 11, 2000
00:00 continued from yesterday, May 11, 2000
Lab, lab, lab. It’s the May 10, 2000
00:10 something i just May 10, 2000
well, i got my May 9, 2000
I got the charger. I’m May 9, 2000
Hayden Christensen, a name we May 8, 2000
Well, I skipped my first May 7, 2000
Thunder, na na na na May 6, 2000
I’m in the lab, and May 5, 2000
I corrected the typos I May 5, 2000
Masking tape makes great diskette May 4, 2000
I should be sleeping. In May 3, 2000
I had a test today. May 2, 2000
Hello fellow humans. I have May 2, 2000
I meant convertible ride. Geez. May 1, 2000
Another month, another 30+1 days, May 1, 2000
Wow.. tonight’s X-Files…. . .. April 30, 2000
Hey everyone! I’m drunk! And April 29, 2000
I just finished fixing my April 28, 2000
I’m done yet another upgrade April 28, 2000
dum dum dum dum dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum dum dum dum April 28, 2000
Talked to Mike the pilot April 27, 2000
My friend Eric has got April 27, 2000
I’m ready to go. I April 27, 2000
Wow.. I just finished watching April 26, 2000
ICQ 2000a is out. How April 26, 2000
Those Mr. Noodles sure were April 25, 2000
See how I said I’d April 25, 2000
That picture is of a April 24, 2000
I’m still sick! It’s been April 24, 2000
Groove is in the Heart April 24, 2000
I’m up, it’s Sunday, and April 23, 2000
I took an hour, but April 23, 2000
I spent the afternoon playing April 23, 2000
Another upgrade if you want April 23, 2000
We went to Doc’s last April 22, 2000
Throat is the same, sinuses April 21, 2000
There’s this pain in my April 21, 2000
I’m at Caro’s. I just April 21, 2000
Just paid my eedingspay icketay, April 20, 2000
I am he as you April 20, 2000
Today was a good day. April 19, 2000
I better get my fingers April 19, 2000
It’s a wonderful day outside, April 18, 2000
I think I’m going buy April 18, 2000
It’s time to play, guess April 17, 2000
I’m off to meet the April 17, 2000
I’m back from work. We April 17, 2000
Hehe,, see that.. 22:22.. cool. April 16, 2000
What an action packed night. April 15, 2000
Happy birthday Remi, happy birthday April 14, 2000
hanging, Doc’s, Sport’s Rock April 13, 2000
I just finished yet another April 13, 2000
I’m in math class right April 13, 2000
DJH April 13, 2000
Lou, you rock! I haven’t April 12, 2000
I’m here, college I mean. April 12, 2000
I am equaly satified of April 12, 2000
doorstop Mac April 11, 2000
I just completed a test April 11, 2000
I got mail! Early last April 11, 2000
Exactly 8:30, not actually, not April 11, 2000
Words describing my state of April 10, 2000
WOOHOO!! That was fun.. we April 10, 2000
What an uneventful day. Geez, April 10, 2000
Mix tape, done. April 10, 2000
It’s taping, I found a April 10, 2000
I just finished having a April 10, 2000
What a fun time working. April 9, 2000
Well, I woke up to April 9, 2000
Well now. That was the April 8, 2000
Wasabi! April 8, 2000
Et la lumiere se fit! April 8, 2000
Yay!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Sorry. Wait.. April 7, 2000
I stand corrected. April 7, 2000
I just added a couple April 7, 2000
I’m having fun! I just April 7, 2000
I forgot to mention, today April 7, 2000
I’m back from work, with April 7, 2000
I’m back. And very glad April 7, 2000
Holy s*** I’m bored. (This April 7, 2000
Still at Al’s place, Ned’s April 6, 2000
Scrap that, someone else gave April 6, 2000
I’m sitting at home, in April 6, 2000
I’m in class now.. in April 6, 2000
I’m at Al’s place, and April 6, 2000
Here is an intresting entry. April 6, 2000
Well! Where should I begin, April 5, 2000
One class left and I’m April 5, 2000
I don’t want to be April 5, 2000
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Vyvraceni! April 5, 2000
Vegetables are in the news April 4, 2000
I just finished the new April 4, 2000
I have returned from work. April 4, 2000
Hi Crimestoppers! Hi Steve! It’s April 4, 2000
You’re a vegatable I had April 3, 2000
I knew it’d be a April 3, 2000
I didn’t even eat.. I April 3, 2000
Al told me to wirte April 3, 2000
I’m back.. I stopped writing April 2, 2000
back from work April 1, 2000
What a great day to March 31, 2000