April 29, 2004


I love Maglites. I hate replacing batteries. Solution, LEDs. I bought 2 EverLEDs, I put one in my Mag, w00t, it’s bright and the batteries will last at least 3 times longer. I put one in my army” camo light, with the colored filters. I can’t wait to put them to the test.. I’ve played around the apt a bit, and at work.. and one partook in the ritualistic burning of a VCR .. methyl hydride large hammer VCR = fun for the whole family.

The camo one with the red filter is going to come in handy during stargazing sessions. Oh! I read about how and why red lights are good in the dark, it’s facinating, cones and rods and light wavelengths .. deep breath .. sorry I geeked out there.

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good host 15g I dunno, there was a packet of the stuff on the desk. I like iced tea, it’s cool .. haha.. iced - cool .. get it? I don’t actualy like