September 11, 2000

Mr. Persaud is getting ready

Mr. Persaud is getting ready for our Unix course. Lettle do people in here know, but I already have Unix experience. Actually, Unix was my first introduction to the Internet. Back in the old days when everything was text based, I’d dial up with my 2400bps modem in to Universite de Moncton’s Bosoleil service. It would give me the chance to FTP, IRC, and later on use Lynx to surf” the web. I also had email access, but the only other person I knew who had email in Moncton at that time was Nick. My old email was Wow, brings back memories. I haven’t put a picture in here in a long time. Here goes one.



There we go, that’s much better. Oh.. here we go with the course, yay. There’s a Power Point presentation going on here with a list of operating systems.. guess what… Mac OS isn’t there.

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I started college. I installed Windows 98. That is all I’m saying for now. I finally hung that Magnolia banner I have. I got a Canon BJC-10e printer
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This is the view off my new porch, that’s attached to my new appartment. PrimaryVisualCortexStimulationOfTheDay Photo by Jason Green using Al’s (my