April 1, 2003

happy birthday Doogus

Back to work tonight/morning, yeehaw. At least now I have my m515, I’ll be able to read Harry Potter! I have a feeling I’ll be very very sleepy by 6:00, I’m still a bit off of my actual work schedule, I should be back in the groove as soon as I wake up later today around 17:00. I love military time. Everyone should use 24 hour time.. it makes sense, less confusion.

Damn, I just noticed my Palm is empty, totally erased.. so no Harry Potter.

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aimer, souffrir, pardonner, oublier p>Good morning folks, welcome to my neglected blog. Since I can’t sleep, I decided I’d spend some time typing in here. Goin’ to Woodstock
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Wilfred rules! I’m hungry, it’s early, I need caffeine and food. There’s an idea.. Tim’s should make caffeinated sandwiches. People could eat and stay alert days