
I’m back, SDF has found a new home. I can connect to it now, you will be able to soon, as soon as the domains get updated thru all the DNS servers, or at least your ISP’s. I hear we had an ice storm recently, alot of people lost power, I didn’t. I find that strange because I usually lose power very easily, a dense fog sometimes does it (not really, I exaggerated so you’d get the point, if you don’t well uhh.. too bad). I have a meeting to go to at 5:30, which sucks, because I’m usually sleeping at that time, then I’m working at 10:30.. after that, I’m home free, off for 3 days.

I still haven’t gone out, probally tomorrow night.. if I wake up.. geez.

The short is out at, awesome, if you’re interested in knowing the back story, go 4 it.