Exactly 8:30, not actually, not

Exactly 8:30, not actually, not anymore. I woke up at 2:10 this morning, got water and checked to see if anyone was online. Someone was! Then I went back to bed. Didn’t bother writing in here, I wanted to conserve my sleepiness so I could fall asleep faster. I’m writing this on a piece of paper BTW. Gonna transfer it to digital with my fingers and a keyboard. It better not be cloudy tonight! I wish someone would reconsider doing something this week. Me wishing is me being hopful, but I’m hopless so I guess it won’t happen. What a mess.. there’s confetti on the floor, of course, I put it there. Oops. Magic triggering pulses. That’s what I’m learning right now. How fun. That’s the name of my next mix cassette, Magic Triggering Pulses