I’m here a Edinburgh drive.

I’m here a Edinburgh drive. Updating ma brain. I got a glimps of the new Aliant building (I keep writing the word without an “i”). It’s, amazing! Colorful, big, modern. It’s as if Ikea designed the whole thing. Today is not busy at all. It’s really dead. 46 available on a Sunday. It’s been snowing for the past 3 days, I checked the ofrecast, looks like it’ll be snowing for another 3. Sucky. Again I’m writing in detached phrases. For the first time I’m using Notpad and the built in FTP client in WIndows. Pretty cool, alot of typing but it gets the job done pretty well if you know what you’re doing. I’m going to do something totally out of the ordinary.

carbonated water, sugar/glucose-fructose, caramel colour, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, caffeine.

That’s Coke. The ingredients. Joker is supposed to be working but he’s nowhere to be found. Must have been eaten by a lion in a convenience store or something. What the heck, I’m going to make this entry REALLY long. I have so much time on my hads right now, I have no reason not to (double negative, I know, don’t stop not criticizing me). If I want to make it long, I have to think of content, content is always key.. hmmm… uhhhh… well… hmm… damn.. I can’t keep typing that the whole way thru, that’s boring. Hmmm… uhh… I have to talk about something. Or, I could copy/paste something that’s intresting and save me the effort of thinking something up. What could I copy/paste… hmm.. uhhh.. welll… hmm…

carbonated water, sugar/glucose-fructose, caramel colour, phosphoric acid, natural flavors, caffeine.

No you idiot something else other than that. Damn periodical morons, they always think they can be so funny. Oh, someone just got a call, it beeped.