HO HO HO.. I’m trying

HO HO HO.. I’m trying to decide whether I should start speaking in here again, I got an email from someone who liked the page.. a total stranger. For now this will stay hidden.. if you’ve found this.. well good for you.. it’ll go up if I start it again. Here’s the email.

From: removed Reply-To: BiancaBroussard@mailandnews.com To: manuchcka@hotmail.com Subject: Hey “greener,” comment on your site: geocities/greener date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 04:52:33

Hi “greener”

I was surfing geocities and checked out your site at geocities/greener. I have a good friend with a really similar site, and I passed your url along to her. Have you ever seen a weblog? I was noticing your writing style, and I think the weblog format might really work well for you. I just started one recently, and I am actually thinking of dumping my homepage in favor of just having the weblog, since I’m enjoying it so much more than maintaining my homesite. Anyway, I really just wanted to say thanks for an interesting site!

Come visit!
