July 2, 2004

07/01 15:11 EDT

Blogging on the road, Ned and I are currently just outside of Levis QC, we’re heading into what seems like a thunderstorm, w00t! It’s a big one, one bolt every few seconds. The weather on the way up was really nice, when we hit Rivière du Loup it kinda got warm and muggy .. that’s probally why there’s a thunderstorm .. d’oh, we’re not going in it, oh well, I’m sure there’ll be more on the way. Montreal is 235 KM away. Oh wait, scratch that, we will be going into one of them, seems there’s a alot of them. Woohoo, lots of rain and lightning and stuff!

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go west, this is what we’re gonna do Tomorrow, Ned and I leave on our cross Canada road trip. Here are our planned stops. Ottawa, Sault Saint Marie, Dryden, Regina and Calgary I had to
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07/03 1:06 EDT Just got back from a showing of Spider Man 2 in Sault Sainte-Marie, fucking teens were kicking and talking during the entire movie, I am very not